Page 17 - SOMOS FOA #7
P. 17

Albert Zomer
                                        Vice president COM

           that we are doing nothing, we travel to nice               Over the years I have seen our hobby change.
           places, having some parties and trips and show             More and more it is becoming a commercial
           ourself in our best outfit as an bobo.                     business. A lot of money goes into our hobby,
                                                                      sometimes I wonder if that will benefit our ho-
           I will tell you that the life of a member of the           bby.
           CD COM is not all about parties, beautiful trips
           and judging sessions here and there. It is also            I started with birds at the age of 16 years be-
           very long and often in a meeting together. So-             cause I liked them. Experienced breeders gave
           metimes about topics that many would say is it             me a few good birds for free and they didn’t
           necessary to talk about this small items for so            want anything at all. Over the years I have built
           long. Yes, it seems that everything is important.          up my own stock of birds. Sometimes when I
                                                                      ask for money when selling my birds, I’m afraid
           We have a goal and that is every country re-               to ask for money, because then I feel a shame
           ceives  the  information  it  needs  to  make  the         or it t is not too much. Let’s say I never as-
           keeping and breeding of birds accessible to                ked more than 40 euro for a bird. Sometimes
           everyone.  Not  only  for  the  people  who  trade         I need a good bird, I breed canaries, without
           in birds and who earn money out of it, but also            shame the owner asked sometimes more than
           for the common man who wants to keep a few                 100 euros. In my opinion a factor for starting
           birds as a hobby.                                          breeders to end their hobby.

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