Page 16 - SOMOS FOA #7
P. 16



             Dear friends,                                           perhaps also in the other parts of the world
                                                                     people get up who find fault with our hobby,
             I hope this message finds you all in good               who want to limit the execution and expe-
             health. We are living in a strange period,              rience of our hobby. That’s also a dangerous
             time and struggle. First the COVID pandemic             situation for the future of our hobby.
             keeps us, more than we want, very busy. We
             have to fight a disease and such a strong one           I can look back to the recent period of three
             that we had to cancel almost all shows in our           years during my participation as Vice Presi-
             homelands also in the Northern hemisphere               dent of the CD COM. During this period we
             for two years.                                          had a wonderful  time in Argentina, In Turkey,
                                                                     but no Mondials in the Southern hemisphere,
             Of course it is disappointing that the events           they were al cancelled due to COVID.
             we liked to attend, had to be cancelled, but
             there will be better times. I’m convinced of            At the other hand it was in more than one
             that. Now the COVID period is almost behind             case a very hard job. What really was a was-
             us, a new problem started! The people in                te of time was fighting rumours, fake news,
             Ukraine are under attack of Russia and many             demands from unaffiliated organizations and
             people had to leave there homes. There were             individuals, fights between national organi-
             we can breed  with our birds,  the hobby in             zations, and information coming and going
             Ukraine stopped because of a dirty war star-            with the aim of poisoning the COM environ-
             ted by an aggressor. What is more precious              ment. Sometimes aimed at a person, someti-
             than our health, our safety and protection              mes at the organization.
             and that of all our beloved ones? A very di-
             fficult time and even not so far from the Ne-           In  my  opinion  National  issues must  remain
             therlands. It’s in Europe. Our thoughts are             national and if it concerns international is-
             going to all the people of Ukraine and we do            sues, it may be sent to the Secretariat and
             what we can the help them with food, a tem-             the President-General. We have a good team
             porary home in our countries and also with              in  the  CD  COM,  we  are  talking  about  every
             military equipment to fight the enemy.                  incoming letter and we are deciding on ever
                                                                     subject together. I’m really convinced that
             The other side is that it is fantastic to expe-         we have strong and honest board in COM.
             rience how intensely our hobby lives in the             When rules are agreed by our member na-
             world. New ideas and experiences coming up,             tions, they have to be followed. When an or-
             for example digital shows. How many people              ganisation is skipping or wants to change the
             enjoy this intensely and I think the hobby is           rules we have to interfere. This happened in
             a good distraction during the COVID period              2021 when we have to take the organization
             and now it sometimes become regular. There              from Spain and gave it to Italy. That was a
             is nothing better then physical shows, with             really difficult decision, but a necessary one.
             real birds and talking to each other face to            The CD COM warned already for a long time
             face.                                                   when rules were not followed, but they were
                                                                     ignored. So only solution stayed…!!  We are
             Beside  people  are  fighting  each  other  be-         handling fair and with transparency which is
             cause of land and property, in Europe and               needed for a good trust. Sometimes it seems

         16      Federación Ornitológica Argentina
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