Page 55 - SOMOS FOA #5
P. 55
Norberto Nadal
the nomenclators, diameters of regulatory day, the section directors and their trainers
rings and judgment sheets, all aspects that are truly responsible for ensuring that the
we will try to regulate to grow as a colle- breeder feels supported by our school, at
giate body. the time of the trial and also at the time of
the training that we can provide them. With
Without ever leaving aside the adminis- around three thousand breeders affiliated
trative, today my area of concern, I do not to the FOA and just over 50 CAJ judges, the
want to stop encouraging and offering my challenge ahead is enormous, and we will
full collaboration to all the technical sec- all have to contribute our grain of sand to
tors that make up the ACJ. At the end of the achieve this, to take the ACJ to the top.
Somos FOA 55