P. 5
I am going to introduce myself, I am the Ar - men, women, projects, anecdotes, friends,
gentine Ornithological Federation, better known that I have seen and heard in all of you. For
as FOA, I am turning 60 years old, it is not me, everything is pride, and looking and re-
little, but I am sure that it is only part of what viewing the images in this magazine that were
my life is going to be, I promise not to give dedicated to me, my emotion and pride grows
names because I do not want to stay wrong even more; The social change, the changes in
with anyone, imagine that many of you went customs, the changes in technology are de-
through my life for a short, medium or very monstrated in it, and I, thanks to all of you,
long time, but they are all part of my life, I do was modernizing myself to stay updated and
not want to forget anyone. be able to continue sheltering them forever.
All of you were, are and will be part of my I do not want to forget to mention our great
heart, carrying out whatever task it is, from friends over the years, our neighbors in the
the most passionate part of our hobby, which region and the world, with whom we formed
is being a breeder; the collaborators, tireless great friendships and knew how to respect
in each ornithological event; going through each other.
the commitment of the leaders who trace my
path; And even the honor and distinction of But I’m going to stop getting melancholic to
leave you just a little idea “The life of all of
being ornithological judges, everyone is res-
ponsible for knowing me today in the ornitho- us and mine is not just remembering the past with
logical world, I am proud of that and proud of nostalgia, nor waiting for everything in the future
with emotion, life is living the present with great
all of you.
passion, have passion and keep making me great”.
There is not much to say, because I am already
with tears on my cheeks, imagine the ideas, THANK YOU friends, you make me very happy.