Page 16 - SOMOS FOA #9
P. 16
Hello everyone, my name is Mario Eduardo to a training agreement that was made Be-
Julio Alvarado, Chilean, SOCH 111 member tween the president of SOCH at the time, Mr.
and I have been raising Canaries since 1990; William Ara, with the president of FOA, Mr.
first in the city of La Serena and later in San- Alejandro Gallego, several Chilean breeders
tiago de Chile. were able to access training in the different
ornithological sections. In my case, to the tra-
Surely like many, this hobby comes from my ining of Applicants of section D, color cana-
genes, because in my case, grandparents and ries, given by Messrs. Norberto Nadal, Rodri-
parents have bred unringed canaries, as well go Meloni and Fabricio Roger.
as other species at the time. This is how my
father, around 1990, showed me an ad in This training, which is carried out in the midst
the local newspaper where “ringed canaries” of the pandemic through digital and non-fa-
were offered. Curiosity is immediately born to ce-to-face media, both theoretical and prac-
know what this is about. tical, has meant for me the consolidation of
the knowledge that I had been able to obtain
I visit Nelson Arriagada’s kennel and I am in my life as a breeder and the introduction
amazed by the canaries he bred: lipochro- of others with whom which I have been able
mic reds, agates and red isabeles; proudly to round off a level in this area that led me
showing their identification rings of the Chi- to decide to be a judge in said section. I must
lean Ornithological Society. I remember that greatly appreciate the transfer of knowledge
I bought him a couple of pairs; Living in La from Norberto, Rodrigo and Fabricio, who
Serena I enroll in the Chilean Ornithological with great dedication do to disseminate it
Society, whose headquarters are in Santiago and prepare aspirants to be better judges.
and from there I immerse myself in this beau- This preparation allowed me to pass the exam
tiful hobby. for judge during the 2022 world champions-
hip held in Santiago de Chile and, with this, I
But more than telling you about myself, on hope to be able to contribute to canariculture
this occasion, I am writing to greet the Ar- in my country with the transfer of knowled-
gentine Ornithological Federation, of which I ge to breeders and thus raise their technical
have the best opinion and with which I have level.
had an unbeatable experience, since thanks
16 Federación Ornitológica Argentina