Page 7 - SOMOS FOA #8
P. 7

Alejandro Gallego
                                                                    Presidente FOA

             Happy for the return of face-to-face activities after   to get to know us and, just a click away, the images
             long years of social distancing, we welcome you to     and additional information of our friends. This whi-
             a new issue of our institutional magazine “SOMOS       le maintaining our already usual previous spaces,
             FOA”, in which we tell you everything about inter-     this number in the regional and its ornithological
             national ornithological activity and the happiness     activities, due to a seasonal issue as you know,
             of being able to meet again in our great national      September is our special number in that sense and
             championship, which made possible the great ga-        March is Europe.
             therings of ornithological friends, an emblem of
             meetings and shared passions.                          There is no lack of technical contributions, CAJ, ve-
                                                                    terinary, and federal projects.
             And it is that, to achieve that magical moment of
             connection, a large number of logistical activities    We live in dynamic times and at SOMOS FOA we
             and tasks must be carried out, collaborators, jud-     continually evolve, because it is our institutional
             ges, board of directors, breeders and affiliates, who   intention to provide you with the best experience
             put all their efforts and energies into managing the   and continue to link the protagonists of our great
             multiple variables that enter at stake to ensure the   family.
             ideal framework that our championships demand.
                                                                    Lastly, I would like to thank each member of the
             What we considered was a great event and left us       staff of our magazine (tireless collaborators) and
             feather lovers satisfied.                              followers of this space (for them our effort), and
                                                                    especially all those who are part of this new issue,
             Also tell them that, starting with this issue, we set   who did not hesitate to  provide us with all their
             out to make our magazine an interactive space, in      knowledge and support to make it possible to con-
             which one member per issue will have her space,        tinue with one of our prides, the pride of the FOA
             to introduce herself and the place they represent,     family, the virtual magazine “SOMOS FOA”.
             its people, its place and customs, your objectives,

                Thank you all and good breeding!

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