Page 9 - SOMOS FOA #5
P. 9
The year 2021, which we have already started to say to the lack of educational commitment, we respon-
goodbye to, was different, special. Combo of pan- ded with the creation of the FOITA (for children) and
demic, quarantine, isolation, economic crisis, unem- FOA (for adults initiating our activity) programs, ad-
ployment, social networks, anguish and uncertainty, ded to the printing of our branch judgment manual
media that clearly reported the same, but different. color, first in the history of the federation, to emp-
There was plenty of bad. The speeches of many cha- ty words in others such as inclusion, we responded
racters won more than ever with words such as in- with the pr FOA SOCIAL ogram (for older adults) to
clusion, empathy, solidarity, empowering, and how the word empathy we responded by recognizing
many more. Education fails to establish itself as an the great breeders of our federation on the interna-
absolute priority for development, with a short, me- tional day of the ornithologist breeder, to the word
dium and long-term plan, and we continue to wait empower we responded with the presence of repre-
“to see what happens.” sentatives of our affiliates in the monthly meetings
of the board of directors to We responded with the
Surely at this reading you will be thinking, the pre- word quarantine with a channel for breeders on the
sident of whom he speaks? Did he go crazy? but no, Telegram platform for the session of their birds; They
it is what we had to live during this year 2021. There saw that the president did not go crazy, he only
still remains a great effort to overcome all the bad made a review of some of what was worked during
things of this year and it depends on where we go, the year, that although it is a lot, nothing surely hid
and build the solutions; To those of us who entrust our sadness for the absence of our annual party, our
that responsibility, assume it and roll up our sleeves Argentine Championship, and that although it was
by putting our shoulders, or simply choose to con- much the work, nothing will compare with what we
tinue crying on social media and blaming the other. will work with committed to the year 2022, we raise
our eyes towards the future, we believe in ourselves
Given the above, it occurred to me to think what the and our federation, but above all we believe in our
FOA did in the face of this terrifying reality, to social breeders, who are for whom we work and in whom
crises we responded with the freezing of the value we think when we drink every decision.
of the ring for 18 months, to unemployment we res-
ponded with free veterinary care through FOA VET, A special thanks to our publicists who make it pos-
to social networks we responded with innovative sible to keep our project alive, and to our dear rea-
tasks in live and permanent interaction through our ders, we wish you a happy new year, and we renew
Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels, to the our commitment to continue on this path. When you
uncertainty we responded with direct information raise your glasses, ask for your loved ones, personal
channels to the breeders via Telegram, to the isola- and family priorities, but do not forget to toast FOA,
tion we responded with tasks by the board of direc- your projects and your enormous future, big hug,
tors and the federation judges via zoom to maintain congratulations.
Permanent response to our affiliates and breeders,
Somos FOA 09