Page 16 - SOMOS FOA #3
P. 16
La ida y vuelta del
THE ROUND TRIP OF THE COMMITMENT towards the breeders, to generate “reaction action”
and afterwards the approach of the breeders towards
Commitment is the responsibility of a person towards the federation is that we were creating the means to
the group of their peers, and it translates into the vo- produce this mutual approach, generate that ROUND
luntary search for the general well-being over the TRIP in search of generating mutual COMMITMENT.
individual. But this commitment must be permanent
and from all parties so that good projects are transla- With this intention, the following means of communi-
ted into reality. It is very common to observe people cation were put into practice.
with good intentions, but they find themselves alone
facing all situations, and the ease of dialectics who - 0800 for free calls to the federation headquarters.
permanently offer anonymity and social networks to - WhatsApp of the secretary to send vouchers and
those who will never commit or involve themselves in ease of contact.
any project for the common good, which will lead to - The WhatsApp group with the presidents of the affi-
to the person for more good intentions that he has to liates to interact.
cower and dismiss his projects. - The Telegram group FOA-INFORMA to keep all the
breeders of the federation informed in real time.
With these words an attempt is made to summari- - The Telegram group FOA-CRIADORES to collabora-
ze the serious problem that organizations currently te in the bird session.
have, which, like ours, work to carry out arduous tasks - Virtual institutional magazine “SOMOS FOA”.
that take time away from our activities and our fami- - FOA-VET free veterinary care for breeders.
lies. It is very difficult to train leaders with a sense of - YouTube channel with talks on technical and institu-
commitment and work capacity. But it is important tional ornithological issues in general.
to know that it is the responsibility not only of the - WE ARE FOITA for the smallest of the family.
leaders to carry out the institutions, but also of the - Permanent information on Facebook and Instagram.
affiliates and partners in general, who must commit - Updated website with permanent response
to the project, it is not necessary to work permanently
or be available all the time, ask for this in the Social The federation will only grow if many contribute their
news in the whole world would be very childish, but collaboration and effort, if each one prefers their par-
not only does it support being, it also supports itself ticular interest, the federation collapses. Because one
by participating in the proposed activities, presenting can have good ideas, but not all, if we put together
concerns and / or projects in a timely manner, being all the good ideas of each one, surely great things will
educated to ask and listen before judging the actions, come out. And let’s never forget that COMMITMENT
informing each activity to develop to feel part, not must be with actions, not just words.
isolate or feel isolated always blaming the “other”.
Come closer, feel part of this increasingly large and
With this thought and with the real intention of pu- pleasant family, the family of the Argentine Ornitho-
tting into practice the approach of the federation logical Federation.
16 Federación Ornitológica Argentina