Page 8 - SOMOS FOA #2
P. 8


               tentando  adaptá-los,  embora  o  signifique  que    nossos  encontros  habituais,  pássaros  envolvi-
               eles foram criados, eles vieram para ficar, deve-    dos,  retomar  nossa  atividade,  ornitoamigultu-
               mos apenas redobrar a tarefa na mesma direção.       ra. Muito  obrigado por tudo, cuidem-se bem.
               SOMOS FOA devemos sentir isso de cada um de
               nós, parte desta família, nossa família, a família   GLOSSÁRIO - é difícil colocar em palavras o que
               FOA.                                                 sentimos em cada encontro com nossos amigos
                                                                    de penas, é difícil entender como perdemos cada
               Este Conselho de Administração quer que              encontro anual com eles, cada conversa, cada
               eles  fiquem  bem,  passando  esta  pandemia         companheiro, cada abraço ou cada saudação.
               da  maneira  que  podem  e  deixando  o  míni-       ORNITOAMIGULTURA é a nossa cultura particular
               mo possível de consequências. Esperamos              de amigos ornitológicos.
               que antes de pensarmos possamos voltar aos

               What a quick step, the number 1 of our virtual       We know that we are committed to bree-
               magazine, with all the expectations that it gene-    ders and we must follow the path traveled du-
               rated, and it is almost part of the extraordinary    ring  2020,  there  are  many  ideas  and  projects,
               archives of our Federation, we are now at number     many waiting for the end of the evil that pu-
               2.                                                   nishes us worldwide and many others trying
                                                                    to adapt them, although the means that They
               Extremely grateful as always to our collaborators,   were created, they came to stay, it is only neces-
               group of the Board of Directors, sponsors and es-    sary to redouble the task in the same direction.
               pecially to each of those who without hesitation     WE ARE FOA we must feel it from each one of
               gave us an instant yes when requesting an article    us, part of this family, our family, the FOA family.
               or collaboration. We hope we can be meeting our
               objectives, reach all breeders, know that it is our   This  Board  of  Directors  wants  them  to  be  well,
               intention to generate spaces for future consulta-    passing this pandemic in the way they can and
               tions through any of our communication chan-         leaving the least possible consequences. We
               nels,  we  know  that  this  magazine  and  /  or  our   hope that before we think we can return to our
               YouTube page are for permanent technical con-        usual encounters, birds involved, resume our ac-
               sultation, which gives us great pride, but makes     tivity, ornithoamigulture. Thank you very much
               us very responsible for the future.                  for everything, take good care of yourselves.

         08      Federación Ornitológica Argentina
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