Page 18 - SOMOS FOA #7
P. 18



             In the Netherlands we also have young bree-             canaries. Together the study will be 4 years,
             ders, but a large part of our members (NBvV)            so I can say our judges are very experienced.
             are already grey and old. Maybe we are a bit
             spoiled in the Netherlands. We have an fe-              In a year without corona I’m doing about 15
             deration (Nederlandse Bond van Vogellie-                to 20 judging sessions all over the Nether-
             fhebbers) with 410 associations. There is one           lands and Germany. Beside this about 4 to 6
             association in almost every township in the             judging appointments all over the world. I’m
             Netherlands. Each association organizes its             possible to do this because I’m already reti-
             own exhibition every year. Then there will be           red in 2016 (after working 40 years as police
             a district exhibition, totally 12 and then fo-          officer). For the job of board member of COM
             llowed by the National Championship. At the             I have to do also some supervisor tasks, the
             National championship, around 13.000 birds              amount is depending of the number of COM
             are present in the competition. Besides this            shows in the world. We are trying to arran-
             show we have Special Club shows. For exam-              ge that everyone have a few. It seems to be
             ple, only for colour canaries or for finches or         nice trips, but don’t forget it is mostly 2 days
             for parakeets. What we are seeing now is that           flight and 1 day present during the judging
             the local associations are shrinking and dimi-          day.
             nishing a bit because young people are not
             joining.                                                I’m breeding with about 45 couples of birds.
                                                                     Most of them are colour en Posture canaries.
             The board members of the federation are                 I breed with Agate opal in yellow and white,
             all volunteers, but we do have an office who            brown opal white, agate opal mosaiek, agate
             have paid employees. At the moment we are               cobalt and agate pastel mosaiek. In Postu-
             producing our rings ourself, but  this  chan-           re I have Münchener, Irish Fancy, Fife Fancy,
             ged. We are ordering the rings now from Ar-             Berner and Gloster. Next to this I have a few
             gentina. We produced 1.2 million rings of al            finches (Bull finch, spinus). My whole family
             kind of diameter.  I’m vice-President of this           is breeding with birds. So it take a little time
             Dutch federation.                                       to feed and clean everything.

             We have a group of 110 judges, a part of them           What  do  I  like  in  my  hobby?  Of  course  the
             (about 45) is also OMJ judge for COM. In the            birds they are fascinating.  It is a privilege to
             Netherland  a  judge  have  to  pass  examens.          interact with and care for live animals. it is
             Before doing examens they have to follow a              nice to see that care is showing results be-
             course of 2 or 3 years. To become a colour              cause young birds are growing up in the bre-
             canary judge, you must first demonstrate                edingroom. Not commercial but for hobby.
             that you have kept birds for at least 5 years           It is also fantastic to interact with people.
             with which you have also achieved results at            There  are  so many  different people,  each
             a show. Then follows an entry-level exam and            with their own character, involved with birds
             then 2 years of training, with side sessions            and of course you will agree each person is
             with  an  experienced  judge  (minimum  5  per          special. That makes being a board member
             year). After the study of 2 years you do an             an honourable but responsible one. I have
             exam. Depending on the result, you may fo-              always loved dealing with people, especially
             llow further training, for example for posture          people from other cultures. I have lived and

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