Page 7 - SOMOS FOA #10
P. 7

                                            PRESIDENTE DE FOA

            The  change  experienced  in  recent  years  has  given   The second issue that these transformations pose
            rise to a new way of carrying out our activity, and of   to institutions is the need to accentuate those as-
            facing problems inherent to it. Reflection on the new    pects that differentiate us from machines. The need
            ornithology should be a priority issue in our insti-     not only in cognitive skills, but also in social skills;
            tutions.  It  is  clear  that  the  primary  activity  and  the   resilience,  coexistence  and  empathy.  Resilience
            raison d’être of any ornithological institution cannot   emphasizes  the  strength  that  allows  us  to  over-
            be developed without  constant monitoring  of the        come negative situations (eg pandemics, environ-
            activity and monitoring of the challenges that social    mentalists, laws, etc.), coexistence implies the need
            changes present to us. Our activity is undoubtedly       to relate to others in a cooperative and supportive
            a concrete historical social reality, just as it was oc-  way, and last of these three enumerations, empa-
            curring through thousands of years, and around the       thy, something fundamental to achieve projects
            entire planet.                                           that undoubtedly a few carry out for the group as
                                                                     a whole, supporting them, not thoughtlessly, but
            Ornithology, hand in hand with the breeders and          respectfully. Social skills will require that institu-
            makers of our activity, is evolving at a faster rate than   tions stop emphasizing only competitive success
            any other period in recent history. For this reason, it   and favor human aspects that allow breeders to
            is more important than ever to understand how and        think about their condition as beings in relation to
            where it is changing so that managers, judges and        others,  a  clear  example  of  our  federation’s  social
            breeders can help each other prepare for challenges      and environmental projects. Thus, the changes that
            and jobs that still do not exist today, such as the co-  society generates today in whatever way, we must
            rrect fixing of our activity by who define the destinies   face it with social coexistence (get closer to society
            of environmental policies in the world that deprive us   and governments).
            of our main virtue, breeding, and do not separate our
            activity from the simple predation that they imagine     We want our magazine to benefit the consolidation
            from ignorance increased over the years.                 of breeders in relation to society and permanent
                                                                     learning about our activity. We understand that our
            These challenges confront us with two major issues,      activity is based on the habit of years of carrying
            firstly,  the  irruption  of  technology  and  the  need  to   it  out  uninterruptedly,  and  under  similar  formats,
            use the resources that these advances offer in order     but  the  challenges  commit  us  all  to  REIMAGINE
            to enhance the way we learn and the means we use         joint tasks, Inter-breeders and Inter-federative, fa-
            to  adapt  to  the  methods  Traditional,  a  clear  exam-  cing the future. As long as we carry out our activi-
            ple is this free and free reading virtual magazine, this   ty, which is our passion, we must not be afraid to
            allows breeders to be updated permanently, breeders      make changes, we must be afraid of not changing,
            will have to live in constant updating if they want to   and being left out of the future, from the place that
            remain active in the midst of these changes.             touches us, we must not remain immobile.

                                                                                                         Somos FOA          07
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